When Life Gives You Voicemails...

 Let's lighten it up.

I'm going to tell you about the time my mom left me a voicemail about lemonade.

 To preface, my mother is the greatest of all time. 

She has a heart of gold, but smokes like a chimney, cusses like a sailor, and over 80% of her spine is fused metal so she stands up very straight all the time. 


We don't agree on everything, we don't see eye to eye often, but she is literally my most favorite woman on the planet.

I got married in the fall and my first holiday as a newly married woman was fast approaching. I asked what side dish I should bring because "I'm an adult now."

She said she couldn't think of anything and being one of the older grandchildren and married, nobody had thought of me to bring any covered dish. 

Fine. However, the night before the get together I get a voicemail from Linda (that's what I call her more than mom; it's an old habit.)

 I kept it on my phone for the world to enjoy:

"Hey. *eating/swallowing/chewing something* Hey. I just thought of this. You can bring the pink lemonade. Do you know about Country Time? It is in a container with a screw off lid. You just dump the sugar stuff in the lid. Well, you measure it. *under her breath* Damn this.... well... Oh, I am untangling this damn necklace... anyways... it's like sugar and you mix it in water. So measure the water. I think the container tells you. Like the amount of sugar and water. It says it. Kroger has it. I didn't know if you had time to... *under her breath* Get off of there! I didn't know if you had any time, but it's simple sugar and-

And that was the end of the voicemail because she ran out of time.

But no worries, she called back.

"Hey. It's me. I think something happened to my phone. You need to call Verizon. This damn piece of shit. Put that on your list. "Call Verizon for mom." Do you have a list? Anyways, the sugar is mixed with the water. Put it in a container and bring it to Thanksgiving. Cold, not cold, I'm sure it will be fine either way. We have ice. Okay. I got to go. Okay, bye-bye."

And then there was a third voicemail.

"Hey, it's me again. What do you think 2 gallons or 3 gallons? I would actually say two and half. Maybe you don't have a pitcher that big? Hold on, let me see if I do. *reaching, grunting, heavy breathing* Damn it, this is not it. Why is that stained like that? Well shit... I don't know. Use your judgement. The side of that container may not say two and half though, Samantha. You might have to do math. You know, you could do taste tests along the way. It's whatever. I just don't know what to tell you to put it in... maybe you have milk jugs you can save and clean out. But it's tomorrow... hold on *more grunting, stretching, reaching,* Oh hell... Well, maybe you can figure someth-

And she was cut off again because she ran out of time.

And the final voicemail...

"Samantha? Samantha, call Verizon when you get this. Tell them I need longer voicemail times. Maybe you can get into my settings? Ok, I got too much shit to do. Call me when you get this."

I love her.

To smithereens.

Much love always,



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