Mary on the Mantle
I never was a big Elf on the Shelf fan. I liked the premise (somewhat), but found that elf to be freaky and his ways of making messes to not only be annoying to me (the mom) as I need to make the mess and clean it up, but also not the greatest message to our children. Last year, I read about Mary on the Mantle and my girls LOVED it. I thought I would share what I did in case you want to copy or modify it for your children this Advent season! I bought a pregnant Mary statue. I really wanted to get a plush doll, but couldn't find one last year. I got this one and it actually worked out better than I thought. Because she was breakable, the girls seemed more reverent and aware. Because she wasn't a doll they could throw in the toy box, she was more special. I hadn't thought about that, but it was a positive. Here's what mine looks like: I have ZERO time for anything extra in the mornings before my kids get up. So Mary travels our home while we are gone. Pro Tip: I buckle th...