To Thine Own Self

I sent her to school today with a mask. I smiled, and I could tell by her eyes she was smiling back at me. She's stronger than me. So so much stronger than me. I sent her to school today with a lunch box. I packed a note inside it telling her to always be true to herself and how proud I am of her. I sent her to school today with a tear in my eye. I don't want it to be like this. I want medical freedoms for myself and my children. Are these the days Orwell wrote about? I ask questions. To myself and to anyone who might listen. I called the school. Because I have questions. Is there any way we as parents can make a choice? Is there any way we can have rights as parents? Can we be welcomed to your school unmasked - creating our biome and strengthening our own immunities? Please...? The short and hard and final answer from the school: No. So I ask more questions: Who tells you what to do... what guidelines to follow? And who tells them? And who tells them? The short and hard and...