To Thine Own Self

I sent her to school today with a mask.

I smiled, and I could tell by her eyes she was smiling back at me.

She's stronger than me. So so much stronger than me. 

I sent her to school today with a lunch box.

I packed a note inside it telling her to always be true to herself and how proud I am of her.

I sent her to school today with a tear in my eye.

I don't want it to be like this. I want medical freedoms for myself and my children. Are these the days Orwell wrote about? I ask questions. To myself and to anyone who might listen. 

I called the school. Because I have questions.

Is there any way we as parents can make a choice? Is there any way we can have rights as parents? Can we be welcomed to your school unmasked - creating our biome and strengthening our own immunities? Please...?

The short and hard and final answer from the school: No.

So I ask more questions: Who tells you what to do... what guidelines to follow? And who tells them? And who tells them?

The short and hard and final answer from the school: The CDC/government agencies.

Is it here? 1984 37 years late? 

No... It's JUST a mask.

Are my peers passive? Is something wrong with me that I feel like I need to question this more? Is everyone feeling as crushed as myself? Is everyone reading both sides of the argument with open eyes and hearts? Is everyone checking their sources and who wrote them? Is anyone following the money... who got paid to say what or do what and when? Do people not think like that? Do people just go to sleep at night?

I don't think she saw it when she waved as I drove away. The tears in my eyes. The painful truth that what I believe in and what I just did TOTALLY contradict themselves: That masking is not allowing her to build immunities and a personal biome nor reinforce freedom and then simply and quickly putting a mask on her. 

And my note.

Oh, my note in her lunchbox today... Another author (Shakespeare) paraphrased...

"Be true to yourself, Emmy girl. Mama is so so proud of you."

Am I being true to myself and my babies?

Am I being a good citizen by masking?

Am I doing the right thing? Or just the opposite?

I am reminded of one of the greatest poems of all time.... The Hollow Men by TS Eliot. Read it. Study it. 

The concluding lines:

This is the way the world ends 

This is the way the world ends 

This is the way the world ends 

Not with a bang but a whimper.

My little blond hair, blued-eyed girl with all sorts of wisdom at the ripe age of six, is much much stronger than me. 

I sent her to school today with a mask. But it's just a mask..... yes.... for now.

I'll leave you with another tidbit from another favorite author. I hope it brings you comfort:

“The real things haven't changed. 

It is still best to be honest and truthful; 

to make the most of what we have; 

to be happy with simple pleasures; 

and have courage when things go wrong.” 

-- Laura Ingalls Wilder

Much love always,


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