But the greatest is…

As I begin to mentally and physically wrap up my year at Dunlaps, I like to take time to reflect, as I always do. And you’d think I’d be all thoughts and feels about it regarding our 150th year. And I am. But I’m… not. It's been a year, my friends. A long, not easy, muddled, exhausting year. Stiffed money, scammed majorly, mistreated at times by people who refuse to take ownership of their own actions. It is crazy easy for me to find the hard this year. I always do this to myself. It’s probably why I continue to grow more and more pessimistic as time marches on, which I hate. I always play a situation up. I have high expectations and a vision for something and it falls not just some short, but so much short of what I thought it would be that I’m thoroughly disappointed. I've been struggling a lot with understanding systems and schools of thought. Questioning every move I make. Trying to see why there would be an option 2 and 3 and 4 in th...