Mary on the Mantle

I never was a big Elf on the Shelf fan. I liked the premise (somewhat), but found that elf to be freaky and his ways of making messes to not only be annoying to me (the mom) as I need to make the mess and clean it up, but also not the greatest message to our children.

Last year, I read about Mary on the Mantle and my girls LOVED it.

I thought I would share what I did in case you want to copy or modify it for your children this Advent season!

I bought a pregnant Mary statue. I really wanted to get a plush doll, but couldn't find one last year. I got this one and it actually worked out better than I thought. Because she was breakable, the girls seemed more reverent and aware. Because she wasn't a doll they could throw in the toy box, she was more special. I hadn't thought about that, but it was a positive. Here's what mine looks like:

I have ZERO time for anything extra in the mornings before my kids get up. So Mary travels our home while we are gone.

Pro Tip: I buckle the kids in the car and say I forgot something and run back in, put Mary where she needs to go with her card (I print them and cut them out so they are ready to roll) and run back out. That way when we walk in at 3:30, she's ready to be found. We can also spend more time talking about whatever is on the card.

Here are the daily cards. Set Mary up by the sink, in a light fixture, in the bathtub, on the Roomba, in the bed, next to the window with some window cleaner, and have the kiddos help her clean. It's also a good way to get them talking about bible verses, songs, and prayers too!

Feel free to use the cards - just change the names/pronouns. Feel free to modify or totally change some too depending on your space, kiddos, ages, and jobs you need done. 

Advent starts in less than 1 month! Prepare a place in your heart and home! 


Much love always,

November 28th

Hello! My name is Mary and I am going to have a baby! His name is going to be Jesus! I am busy preparing for his arrival- you know how new moms get. I will be all around your beautiful home letting you know what I am doing until he arrives. I hope you will be good listeners to your mom and dad (and of course me and the LORD as well) each and every day! I am so excited for the birth of my baby! Be on the lookout for me and a message from me each and every day until the baby gets here.

Love you lots,


November 29th,

What is this thing? Does it clean? What shape is it? A circle! Can you think of anything else that is shaped like a circle? Can you think of anything in church that is in the shape of a circle? Now... Can you show me what this contraption does?



November 30th

You found me! I was just sweeping up. Help your mom or dad with a chore today and think of me while you do it. I love you girls!



December 1st

We made it to December! That is the month my baby will be born! Yippee!! He will come to save the world! I was just taking a break admiring all your DVDs - Are there any characters that save the world? How so? Do you think any of them will have similar qualities as my son will? 



December 2nd

Well hi! I was just doing the dishes, and while I was working in the water I thought of a bible verse: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.” What do you girls think this means?



December 3rd

Hello girls! How are you three today? I was just folding laundry. My, you have some beautiful clothes - and a lot of them! You have a lot to be thankful for. What is one thing you each are thankful for?



December 4th

Hi there! I was just getting ready to clean the windows. Can you help me wipe them down? What is your favorite song? Let’s sing while we wash! Thank you!



December 5th

Hello little girls! How are you today? I am dusting this room right now - still getting ready for when my new baby gets here! Are you excited? Can you tell me anything about my baby that will be here soon?



December 6th

Hi Giesting Family! Today I am cleaning the bathtub and thinking about baptism. Do you know anything about baptism or what it means? Share your thoughts with me!



December 7th

Hello! I am just getting ready to cook a meal. Can you please help me and your mom? Just like preparing for a baby, there is a lot to think about when preparing a meal. Let’s be a holy family and work together - today and always.



December 8th

Hi girls! I am just finishing up making the bed. I am so tired these days, I could lie down for hours and take a nap. Do you take naps? Do you ever dream? Do you ever dream about angels? I do sometimes. Tell me about a wonderful dream you once had. 



December 9th

Hello! I am getting ready to clean the toilet. What a yucky job! Sometimes God puts us in situations that are yucky and no fun. Why does he do that? What can going through yucky things and hard times teach us?



December 10th

Hello girls! I was just trying to pick up these shoes. Make sure you always put your shoes away. Remember I am always watching and always with you. Are you excited about the birth of a new baby? I know I am.



December 11th

Hello Giesting Family! I was just cleaning the microwave and thinking about my new baby that is coming soon. I am a little nervous. Have you ever been nervous? What did you do to feel better? 



December 12th

Hi! You found me cleaning the shower today! This place sure gets gross in a hurry, but it is so nice to take a nice warm shower when it gets cold outside. What is your favorite thing to do when it gets cold outside? I’d love to hear about it!



December 13th

You found me! Way up here! I was just cleaning the light fixtures. Hey - I just thought of a quote from the bible I would like to share with you! It reads: “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Have a talk about what this means. I love you!



December 14th

Hello Giesting Girls! My, do you have a lot of toys!? Make sure you always pick them up when you are done playing with them. It’s getting hard for me to bend - this baby is getting so big! Remember how much I love you - today and always. Make good choices and love one another.



December 15th

Hi girls! I was just in the fridge enjoying a snack! Growing a baby makes a mommy very hungry. What is your favorite food? Do you say grace before you eat - thanking God for the food? Can you tell me that prayer?



December 16th

Hello! I was just mopping the floors and humming my favorite song - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel! Will you play that song and sing with me? Your singing (now and in church) makes me so so happy!



December 17th

Hi! I was just going to take the scraps over the fence. It’s good to feed the animals our scraps. Do you care for all of God’s creatures? What do you help take care of and how?



December 18th

Well hello girls! How are you today? I was just wiping down the countertops. They sure get messy sometimes. I was thinking today about “sticky” situations and how God has always been there for me. Can you think of a time God was there for you?



December 19th

You found me! I was getting ready to set the table. Can you help me? Remember: You are so important and so loved! Continue to be good little girls!



December 20th

Hi there! I was just picking up books and putting them on the shelf. Do you have a favorite story? Do you have a favorite bible story? Tell me which one! Can you read one to me? I love you all!



December 21st

Hello! I am just out here cleaning up the garage a little. It’s one of the last chores on my list before my new baby gets here! Do you have any guess what he will look like? Can you draw me a picture of baby Jesus! I am getting so excited and hope you are too!



December 22nd

Hi girls! You caught me taking a break. I am so tired these days. Will you say the Glory Be with me right now? Thank you! Have a good day! I love you!



December 23rd

Hi girls! I am so so busy! The baby is almost here! I was just finishing up my prayers - thanking God for this day and the gift I am about to receive. Can you say The Hail Mary prayer? (I love that one.)



December 24th

Girls! The time has come and I must leave you for now. I am about to have my baby. Please say an extra Our Father tonight and always remember that Jesus and I love you very much. Whenever life gets hard or you get sad, think of all you have and how much Jesus loves you. You are so so blessed. It’s time! Goodbye!




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