All the Tanning Secrets... allllll of them.


Today my eyes are not on the caulking (which is getting harder to come by by the way) or the door knobs (which are up about 40% this week).
Instead I'm focusing on my killer tan and giving you all the secrets so you can have one too.

I hate when I need a quick recipe like cheesy baked asparagus. It's not that hard, but I just wonder what types of cheeses are in the picture. I get redirected to a blog post about how this was inspired by her grandmother and she saw a butterfly while harvesting the stalks and the rich history of the tiny market where she can buy cheeses made in-house.
Just give me the damn list of cheeses, Debra!
But, sadly, I have to be Debra today to get the full tanned, gloriously glowing idea across.

But, I digress.

Tanning is my happy place. I love to do it and I love how I feel after I have my glow on. It's addicting. I know I am addicted and for some reason, I am fine with that. 

I often feel like I look like a Dorito or an Oompa Loompa, but again, I am totally fine with it.

I've been dabbling (or more like lathering) in sunless tanning since I was in 8th grade. (Oh the pictures I could share, but won't from the "early years.")

This post is going to be my step-by-step how to to sunless tanning. (I must not look too bad since I get a couple calls or texts a month regarding my experience with different tanners or how I use them.)


Step 1 (Might be the most important step!): Exfoliate at NIGHT. 

But what does exfoliate really mean?

I like to prep my skin by taking a hot bath and shaving. And when I say shaving, I mean SHAVE IT ALL. (Not your arms. At least I don't.)
Then I rub my skin down with this soaking salt solution from Dr. Teals. I use it like a sugar scrub. You can do it before shaving for less burn, but I usually do it after.
Then I take a washcloth and put about 1/4 - 1/6 of a bottle or so of this amazing toner (this more than dampens the wash cloth) and clean/scrub my entire body.
I then dry myself well and tie my wet hair up in a very high (very big) bun so it has no chance of falling on my skin.
And why at night?
Well, you will see as your read more, but you really need to allow dry time and as little movement as you can for next couple hours. 
Before I had kiddos, I could totally make this a Sunday mid-morning project. Bathe in peace, tan, take a long nap, and all would be great. Mamas out there: Be mindful that you need to not have anyone touch you for seriously 20 minutes and if you can have little movement for 4-6 hours that would be most ideal. My only time to do this all is at 9 PM at night. Maybe you are not that way and then that is fine too.

Step 2: Get your tanner!

Coco & Eve is (right now) where it is at. 

I really sound cocky, but I have almost 15 years of experience in trying every brand of sunless tanner under the sun. Coco & Eve is everything I love about lots of brands all in one.

Here's why:
1.) It is hard to streak because it is an easy-to-see foam. This is not a white lotion like so many others. So when it comes to blending, you can see what you are doing.
2.) Alluded to previously, it is very "stretchy" as in you can blend and blend and blend it. A little goes a long way, but for the first few minutes you can really work it into your skin. That's a huge bonus for newbie tanners and a bonus in making it look natural.

3.) This tanner is greenish. I feel like I was the first one to say it (I totally wasn't) but I always thought sunless tanners should be green. You achieve flawlessness if you understand color. So red splotches on skin are covered by the direct opposite color of red.... which is.... BINGO! Green! So if you get a sunless tanner (Coco & Eve or something else), be excited if it looks a little green!

4.) It fades from your body. This is something that is quite new to me and I am not sure I understand the science of it (yet). All other sunless tanners I have used heavily are going to come off in wear places (so inside your elbow, around ankles if you were tennis shoes a lot, in between thighs if you are built like me, etc.) However, this one fades more than flakes. The reason this is such a big deal for constant tanners like myself if with other tanners when you start having "hard lines" (obvious dark spots vs light spots) and then you retan that (even though you exfoliated) your dark spots get darker and your light spots glow, but they are still two very different shades. Again, this kind of comes off that way, but nothing near it's top competitors. I get asked a lot if "Sunless Tanner Removers" (i.e. creams, astringents, brushes) work. The short answer is: not any better than a wash cloth and the two products I listed above (Toner, Salt, and a little elbow grease). 

Before I continue my "bolded steps," I will give a quick ranking to my top 3 favorite tanners and include the links to buy. I can explain why if you ever want to reach out and ask.

#1: Coco & Eve Sunny Honey Bali Bronzing Bundle (Medium). All Natural Sunless Tanning Mousse. Instant Self Tanning Lotion with Bronzer, Mitt Applicator and Kabuki Brush (The kit so so worth it). Click here for the link.

#2: Banana Boat, Summer Color Self-Tanning Lotion, Deep Dark Color for All Skin Tones (Walmart has been the cheapest place to buy for 10+ years. $6.67 most of the time). Click here for the link.

#3: Fake Bake Flawless Self-Tanning Liquid (currently changing the look of the packaging... I think... but I have had great success.) Click here for the link.

My DO NOT buy list is below, and I can share some horrific stories about them. It should be known that I gave all these tanners multiple chances and changed my methods/steps, but there was never a positive result whatsoever. They are:
#1: Neutrogena Micro-Mist Airbrush Deep Intensity Sunless Tan Spray
#2: L'Oreal Paris Sublime Bronze Tinted Self-Tanning Lotion
#3: Jergens Natural Glow Deep Bronze Instant Sun Moisturizing Mousse

Okay, Debra... get back to the steps. 

Step 3: Tan!
So your body is exfoliated and completely dry (and completely naked). Your hair is tied out of the way. Put on doctor gloves (we sell them at the store.. come see us at 13 S Smith St. in Batesville) and get a mitt. The mitt that comes with Coco & Eve is perfect (Fake Bake comes with one too, but it's not totally up to par). I've also had success taking a normal plush-like blanket (wash it before use) and cutting it into squares and using that. Pump the foam into the mitt. As you get a little better/faster, you can pump it directly onto your skin, but I wouldn't start there. 
Start with your upper thigh and go in circular motions. Work it, blend it, and continue down your leg. Do not work your knee bone or your ankles too too much. use the brush to get in between your toes. Don't be discouraged if you screw up your feet. It's super common and happens to me every so often.
Do your next leg the same way.
I then move to my chest and belly.
Then upper arms down to my hands.
I have my husband do my back. Just make sure whomever you get to help you puts on gloves. Hot soap and water will not work for most tanners even when the label says it will. 

Step 4: Check and Blend
While your back helper is there, have them spot check you for a minute. Then blend any heavy areas or touch up any light areas. 
You will feel as the tanner dries it begins to get tacky or sticky for a couple minutes. (Coco & Eve does this the least, but you should still feel it a little bit). When it starts to get tacky - DO NOT BLEND. Time is up. If you try to blend it while tacky, you will end up SUPER streaked. Tackiness for most tanners starts about 7 to 10 minutes after the product hits your skin. 

Step 5: Hands! (And maybe face)

End using a brush for your hands and face. Remove your gloves and be VERY mindful of the product. See the pictures to know what to expect when you remove your gloves and what it will look like after you feather in the product with the brush. 
I have done my face with great success, but also with great failure. Oily faces, acne/pimples on your face, and generally sweating within the next couple hours would make me shy away from doing my face, so just be mindful. (Again, that is also why night time - before you go to sleep - is so important.) Anyways, for me, darkening my foundation/changing my make-up is much easier than tanning my face. 

Step 6: Clean up
Clean up your space. It will stain bathmats and it will look gross tomorrow if you have any on the toilet or countertop. Lightly wash your hands/palms and finger nails. 

Step 7: Do laundry naked. 
Or anything that is not super hands on. Don'y do dishes as tiny flecks of water will spot some tanners. Do not touch anything (or let anyone touch you) for 20 minutes. Do not lay down or sit down if you can help it. Stand up and fold laundry to my thing.

Side note: I have nursed three babies and tanned heavily throughout. It can be done. Things you need to be mindful of:
- If your baby wakes up mid process to nurse, you might look miserable tomorrow. 
- If your baby wakes up 1-6 hours after you tan to nurse, try to lay a blanket or towel down to cover your skin.
- Do not tan your nipples or surrounding inch or two. Also, wash your nipples after tanning - even though you didn't tan them.
- Understand that you are changing your "natural" smell and some babies may not nurse correctly (or at all) if you don't smell like you. 
- Sunless tanning while nursing is not for everyone or every baby.

- Avoid hot tubs and heavily/overly treated swimming pools
- Don't shave the next day after your initial tan
- With Coco & Eve, you can tan 3 times back-to-back-to-back without much fuss. Other good tanners can be tanned back to back. I would not tan 4 times back-to-back. I've tried it. Not fun.
- At some point in 6 week period, you unfortunately need to let your skin "reset" and rest. #sadbuttrue

Wow! You made it this far! I won't keep you any longer. Go get your glow on, girl! Hit me up if you need anything and feel free to reach out if you have a favorite self-tanner or if you want me to try another and review it. I live for it!

Always with love,



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