
This season… Christmas, life, all the things really, has caught me saying one phrase… “hold it” or “hold still” or “hold on.” (I wrote a portion of this little piece while I was on hold…) “Hold still, Calla, or the dentist can’t clean your teeth.” “Hold your own backpack, Emmy.” “Hold it! Hold that smile for the picture in your concert outfits! Hold it for three more seconds!” “Hold on a minute!! We absolutely can’t get the paint out yet! *as the macaroni boils over and my mom is calling me - probably about coupons for things I don’t buy - and a baby screams from the other room with her fingers pinched in a drawer she just figured out how to open* Hold. A funny word that keeps reoccurring in my life. A recurrent theme- a motif - I would have told you and taught you in a sophomore English class if you had met me 9 or so years ago. Hold. As goes with every Christmas (and most of my days all year long really), I spend much of my days thinking of Mary. The older I get the more ...