Jesus, remember me.

I was incredibly moved this Palm Sunday by a little detail in the Passion reading - which I have heard and/or read at least 50 times in my life. I used to preach to students about how you should read something once and then maybe twice and then try to read it again after a few years of life… you’ll be amazed at what you find. Amazed at what you never noticed before. As a teacher, I seriously could have taught Scarlet Letter or To Kill a Mockingbird for an ENTIRE year. (I read Scarlet Letter 41 times and To Kill a Mockingbird 16 times.) I found a new detail almost each time for each novel. Talk about amazing! But I digress. The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ is one mass I know many dread. It’s long. It’s sad. We’ve heard before. Fussy kids whacking each other with palm branches in itchy clothes. Or fussy kids during Friday nap time trying to rock them to sleep and you yourself not paying a bit of attention. I know. (Been there.) But I r...