Reflections on Year One

Reflections on our first year owning a hardware store and lumber yard (during a pandemic) What a title. (Bear with me... I'm sure I'll get better at this whole blogging thing.) What a title and what a year. I’m (as always) questioning how yet another year slipped by as we celebrate 1 year at Dunlaps on July 1st. It’s been scary, rewarding, overwhelming, fun, tiring, and amazing. All at the very same time. But as I ponder at the things in this life that are all of those feelings mixed together, I think some of the best things in life are just exactly that: every emotion rolled into one. We have a lot to be thankful for... our loyal customers, our totally outstanding crew who works long hours with a smile, the local community of Batesville, our parents and family who never tried to talk us out of it, but rather told us they believed in us - even as we watched the world live in fear and eventually shut down... it has been such a wild year. But still the biggest thanks (for me ...